Prep Center for Amazon FBA and Storage for Wholesaling, Private Label, and More! FBA Starting From $1.49 Per Unit

Aamsfi Prep Services


Direct Communication

Throughout your use of our prep service, we will maintain direct lines of communication with you with daily updates through email or text, so that you have real-time information about your products, up until they reach an Amazon FBA Center or other warehouse. If you have any concerns or questions, you can email or text us directly and we will respond within 24 hours.

Amazon Compliant

With Amazon standards constantly changing, packaging and labeling is a headache for each product. Lucky for you, we stay up-to-date on all of it! Our prep process is very thorough and follows the guidelines set by Amazon. This minimizes issues before and after your products reach an Amazon FBA Center, allowing you to focus on growing your eCommerce business while we take care of the rest!

FBA Prep Process

We offer two services, FBA Item Prep, and FBA Carton Prep. These services are cost-effective and convenient ways to prep your items for Amazon FBA. Here is the process for our FBA Item Prep Service:

1. You start by sending us inventory to our location, Unit No. 658 450 Airport Road Elgin IL 60123

2. We inspect and prep your cartons and items so that they follow Amazon FBA guidelines and regulations. This ensures that the delivery to Amazon goes smoothly.

 3. We repackage your items and apply the provided labels to your cartons. The cartons are then shipped to an Amazon FBA warehouse where your items can be sold.


Per Small Item

No minimum requirement
Receiving and inspection
FNSKU Labelling
3 days free storage
Pick, pack and ship

Per Medium Item

No minimum requirement
Receiving and inspection
FNSKU Labelling
3 days free storage
Pick, pack and ship

Per Large Item

No minimum requirement
Receiving and inspection
FNSKU Labelling
3 days free storage
Pick, pack and ship


Per Small Item

No minimum requirement
Receiving and inspection
FNSKU Labelling
3 days free storage
Pick, pack and ship

Per Medium Item

No minimum requirement
Receiving and inspection
FNSKU Labelling
3 days free storage
Pick, pack and ship

Per Large Item

No minimum requirement
Receiving and inspection
FNSKU Labelling
3 days free storage
Pick, pack and ship

What if I dont need prep?

No Prep? No Problem!

If you have everything ready to be shipped to Amazon, we can help you with that as well! This falls under our FBA Carton Prep Service. We will simply receive your cartons, ensure they meet Amazon weight and dimension requirements, and ship them to Amazon! If needed, we can also apply shipping labels.

Want a quote? Use any of the contact forms found on our website. 


How do I start a shipment?

If this is your first shipment with us, please contact us so we can create an account for you.

What’s your warehouse address?

Unit No. 658, 450 Airport Road, Elgin, IL 60123

How are shipments organized and updates given?

We use Google Spreadsheets to show current shipments, their status, and price.

Do you handle returns? How?

Yes, we can handle all returns from our FBA Prep customers free of charge! Please contact us for specifics.

Sell on another site? Contact us and see your options.

We offer services for other outlets such as eBay, Walmart, Target, etc. Due to our experience with Amazon prep, we highly recommend you try our service. Contact us to see what we can do and for pricing.

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